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dc.contributor.advisorKlaassen, John M.
dc.contributor.authorMartin, Philip A.
dc.description.abstractThis project sought to equip members of a local church for outreach in a rural community. Chapter 1 introduces New Salem Baptist Church and the context of the approved project. Chapter 2 presents a biblical and theological support for outreach as God’s plan to reach the nations in the Old and New Testaments. Chapter 3 presents the history of rural America and the impact of rural and numerically-small churches. Chapter 4 presents a detailed account of the project. Chapter 5 gives an assessment of the project, including the strengths and weaknesses.en_US
dc.subject.lcshRural churchesen-us
dc.subject.lcshEvangelistic worken-us
dc.titleEquipping Members at New Salem Baptist Church of Rural Newton County, Missouri, for Outreachen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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