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dc.contributor.authorBerry, Wendell
dc.identifier.otherAV VT 2865
dc.descriptionRecorded in Alumni Memorial Chapel, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, during a conference sponsored by the Clarence Jordan Center for Christian Ethical Concerns, on March 25, 1992.en_US
dc.description.abstractConference title: Poets, preachers and politicians : God’s hope for Mother Earth?en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesChapel Address;1992
dc.subjectConservation of natural resourcesen_US
dc.subjectBerry, Wendell, 1934- Conservation is good worken_US
dc.subjectClarence Jordan Center for Christian Ethical Concerns (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.)en_US
dc.subjectContinuing Education Conference (1992 Mar. 23-25 : Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.)en_US
dc.subjectConservation is good worken_US
dc.subjectPoets, preachers and politicians : God’s hope for Mother Earth?en_US
dc.titleConservation is Good Worken_US

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  • Audio Visual Collection
    A collection of audio and video materials that pertain to the history of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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